free online options trading education

Buka akun trading binary


Free options trading courses for beginners gives you in depth online training and education on how to trade options, breakdown on the different components, as well as the best and most profitable options strategies. Our online classes are educational, easy to learn, and give you advanced knowledge on how to become a successful option trader.

Register for free below to gain access to our options trading course as well as our other trading courses.

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swing trading course

Options Trading Course Basics

  1. What are options?
  2. Why trade options?
  3. Calls v puts
  4. Long calls and long puts differences
  5. Intrinsic value v extrinsic value
  6. Options strike price
  7. At the money, in the money, out of the money
  8. Open interest & implied volatility (IV)
  9. How to read an options chain
  10. Options greeks – Delta, theta, gamma, vega, rho

Get Your Free Courses ($3,000+ Value)

  • Find Out the Why Behind Trading Options
  • Learn How to Trade Options
  • Discover the Essential Building Blocks
  • Process of How They Come Together
  • Importance of Open Interest & Volume
  • How the Greeks Play a Fundamental Role

Options Trading Courses Breakdown

  • Overview
  • What Are Options
  • Why Trade Options
  • Calls Vs Puts
  • Live Streaming
  • Paper Trading

Where Can I Learn Options Trading?

The best way to learn options trading is through taking an options course, reading books on the topic and seeing what other traders are doing live in a trading community. Then practicing what you learned in a paper trading account before trading with real money.

In this free options trading course for beginners you're going to learn about the basics of trading options, the components of how they are put together and how to trade them. We also teach how to trade them in our trade rooms each day.

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Free Options Trading Course

Learn How They Come Together in Our Options Trading Courses

What are options contracts? To a beginner, the world of options trading can be very complicated with a lot of moving parts. In fact, there are numerous terms to become aware of. However, if you focus too much on trying to learn exactly what every term means then your head might spin.

As a result, you might end up walking away from options all together. That's why we tried to simplify things in our basic online options trading course compared to what you'll find in other options trading courses.

It's important to focus on the big picture and the overall concept with options; rather than focusing too hard on what every single term means. In this case, each term is a piece that completes the overall puzzle but it's more important to see how the big picture comes together when trading options. Hence, this is key with being successful with trading options!

The puzzle pieces will come together the more that you focus on the overall concept with options and get through learning all the options training terminology. In addition, taking our basic options course helps to bring it all together.

Why trade options? That's a question that many new traders ask. They seem so complicated, so why do it? Well, there are several different reasons why people trade options. One is to hedge against existing positions in their portfolio.

If your portfolio is mostly bullish and then the market turns bearish, many traders will take bearish options positions to hedge against the markets and capitalize without necessarily having to sell their current positions. Other tactics traders employ is to sell covered calls.

Another reason people trade options is for speculation. Many traders buy and sell options contracts purely for profit. They are good technical chartists, so they trade options contracts for profit. Trading options allows you the ability to profit whether the market is bullish, bearish, or trades sideways.

Credit spreads and iron condors are good strategies to employ when the markets are range bound. We will teach you those strategies in our advanced course.

Our Options Trading Courses Will Teach You Calls and Puts

Calls and puts make up the basic components of an options contract. Calls mean that you believe that the stock is going up and puts mean that you believe the stock is going down. Obviously, you don't want to just guess the direction that a stock is going to move. Technical analysis plays an important role in determining the direct that an options contract is going to move. It's also risky to just buy naked calls and naked puts.

Credit spreads help take away a lot of risks that are associated with trading options. We teach you how to trade the different spread strategies in our second course.

Options trading is a fantastic way to grow a small account. In fact, you can trade the large stocks without having to spend as much money. However, it's important to remember that there are more moving parts to an options profit and loss potential than a stock.

Hence the importance of taking our free options trading course for beginners. Therefore, you learn how to protect yourself using different techniques as well as grow a small account trading high priced stocks along with the smaller priced ones as well.

In fact, options trading is a great way to make money no matter what the market is doing. As a result, why options trading holds such an appeal to many traders. It's a very popular stock market trading technique. Take our advanced options training course above.

Trading can be lonely. You're sitting in front of a computer, many times by yourself. That's why having a good community can be a great resource for traders. In fact, it helps you feel a little less alone. As a result, the Bullish Bears have just such a community on Facebook.

It's a safe place where you can ask questions or just have that camaraderie of being with like minded traders. We do our best to keep trolls, spammers and pumpers out to make it a safe place for our community members.

We have three trading rooms available to our members; a day trade, swing trade and future trading room. With options you can both day trade and swing trade so you can choose which trade room (or both) you want to participate in. It's a great place to practice what you learn from our basic online options trading course.

Watch Us Live Stream While Taking Our Options Trading Course

The Bullish Bears team also lives streams for a couple hours each morning in our trading room where they show different ways to trade options. In fact, we're all about giving a hand up and not a hand out within our trading service. We aren't a stock pumping service. As a result, you're in full control of your trading which is how it should be. Make sure to take our free options trading course before trading with real money.

If you want to rely on someone to tell you when to get in and our of a trade, you'll forever be chasing someone else's profit. Hence why we're big proponents on learning the tools you need to trade on your own. We have lots of free stock trading materials on our website. We will also be adding options trading classes at night for new members to be able to ask questions.

We offer a real-time stock alerts service to our community members. They are actionable trade alerts, which include entries and exits. We post these alerts on our private Twitter page. We are a diverse trading community and our mods post different types of trade alerts. Some are shorter term swing trades and others are more longer term. We trade only the best setups.

It's important to remember that the best traders in the world are successful on trades between 60-65% of the time, and that's why it's important to have proper risk management techniques in place. These strategies will be provided with our alerts, and we also teach them in our basic free options trading course as well as our trade room.

Also, several times per week, we post stock watch lists with our trading alerts "setups" for our trading service community members. Again we're not a stock pumping service. Therefore, our alerts "setups" aren't like traditional alerts. Our "setups" are different from our real-time trade alert service. Make sure to read about our different alert services and how they work above.

Remember how we mentioned earlier that options have different moving parts? That can affect your emotions when trading options. In fact, they can be very lucrative or take away your entire trade. As a result, seeing both that profit or loss can affect your emotions. Therefore, we don't sugar coat things here at the Bullish Bears. That's why we're honest about the fact that trading is hard.

Placing a losing trade can have an effect on your confidence level just like placing a winning trade can. When trading options, you have more to think about. That's why we recommend taking your time with our options trading course. Spend the time it takes to study and then practice your options training.

Free Options Trading Courses

How Do I Become an Options Trader?

  • Take an options trading course
  • Read books on how to trade options
  • Open a brokerage account
  • Credit and debit spreads are safest
  • Naked options riskier but more profitable
  • Weekly options are great short term
  • Practice trading in a paper account
  • Be disciplined with managing risk
Getting Started

How Long Does It Take to Learn Options Trading?

How long does it take to learn options trading? Everyone's learning curve is different but typically it takes 6 months to a year to get comfortable trading them. That's why it's important to practice paper trading options in a virtual account first before trading them with real money. We recommend trading debit and credit spreads as a safer strategy over trading naked options. We love trading naked options but new traders need to learn spreads first to become comfortable.

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How Much Money Do You Need for Options Trading?

You'll want to have at least $5,000 to $10,000 if you want to do options trading. This will allow you to have enough capital to not risk too much on each trade. Spreads also require more money due to margin requirements.

This options course gives you the essential knowledge that you'll need to learn the basics of options. You'll also gain access to our free advanced options course as well after registration.

We recommend joining our trade room because that's where you get to see us teach and trade options live throughout the week. This is where the real world action takes place. You can take our courses and practice paper trading options along with us in our trade room each day.

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Free Options Trading Course Online

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